Thursday, September 25, 2014


She wonders out of sight, far from his eyes... who is she? Where is she?
He wonders out of sight, far from her eyes... who is he? Where is he?

One moment, one day, one month, one year. How long, how far, how many people before they lock eyes for the first time?

One kiss... true love pressed against their lips...  soft gentle touch from neck to ear, warm breath on her ear leaving goose bumps running down her spine.
Soft touch, her hands turn to gentle claws running her nails down his back... true love felt pressed on their skin.
Passion running through their veins, ecstasy and delight. Staring deep into each others eyes as they both slowly fall asleep.
Sun lights creeps through the windows, one set of eyes open,  one smile, one person, only to find...

One morning, one note, one goodbye... one lost love - one night stand.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

not sure

Too young to keep love from going wrong... wondering where she has gone. Should of, probably could of come over... Not sure why it all was thrown away - still waiting for a simple reply. She is on his mind, the difference of an eager mind and a troubled mind. Too many thoughts, just another sigh of why. Love to make you feel fine, comfort and possibilities - science then reminds you its a lie. Not so romantic when its worn off - love or lust? Not sure... But she's on his mind. A million different words to fill in how you feel, more we know... just finding the right ones seem to slip away. Plenty good times forgotten over time, maybe not? Though he cant get the world to remember good times, it's up to the world - remember that time? Closed doors, much too young to keep love from going wrong. Lost she is on his mind - she cant find her way out, maybe in time? Night e o, sleep sweet.