Saturday, February 27, 2010

Whatever I want to be

If I miss that train again I will probably lose my mind - fall on my broken words and be left behind in that small dark room - all alone again!

As I sit out here tonight, I wish the moon would come out and play, I wish the clouds would come out and stay - so it can rain on me, rain on my soul and wash away all the negativity, wash away all the things that have been said... wash away all that has been shed.

If I miss that train again I will probably lose my mind - fall on my broken words and be left behind in that small dark room - all alone again, and I've been alone for far to long to be left alone again!

I just want people to see that I can be whatever I want to be... so if I want to fly away I'll fly away over the sea's over the tree's and if you looking up at me - I'll be waving back at you - just don't let me miss that train again... don't let me fall on my broken words again... I don't want to be alone again...

Written by

Jason Paul Friedman

Monday, February 22, 2010

Curiosity killed...

Just my thoughts... today it feels like my world has come crashing in on me... they were right when they said curiosity killed the cat.

My mind is starting to lose control, my body aches with every word said; you my hearts keeper ...

I feel this intense pain in my heart... you are my hearts keeper right?

Curiosity killed the cat...

Metaphorical I was a cat... scampering the walls, soft as can be on my feet... to stare into a home that's not mine, curious to see what was inside...

Curiosity killed the cat...

As I looked... crawled under the half opened window, I heard the snap - the blood trickle down my cheek, and the rough jagged blade slice into my chest.

Curiosity killed the cat...

I lay on my back as I felt the death slowly over come my pain - the keeper left me yet again!

Curiosity killed the cat...

My eyelids fell heavy on my eyes, and my last tear - rolled goodbye...

Curiosity got the better of me...

Friday, February 19, 2010

End Of Days (Use your Imagination if you have one, we fight convention)

Funny old man; walking down the street; teeth so brown, hair a mess like a pile of leaves, tall - unwanted by the Devil Club, out of reach with a finger on his lips, people can only stand and stare...

There's a window with a bright light coming through, it has cast a shadow of a lady... everything has turned to white and black - silence, still, incongruous. There's a lone tree in the distances - Summer yet the leaves of the tree fall brown and untoward to the ground. The wind is calm yet there are people inside holding onto poles.

Far away in the hills sits an old man, rocking his chair and whistles a song - a sad song... The tears rolling down his face are lit up by the setting sun of depression. She appears and strokes his soft white hair, she wears a white dress and has no face - she is beautiful.

Down at the beach the sand blows free, the waves are small and crash with a calm and caring sound, there are prints in the wet sand but not a soul in sight. The sun has almost set... birds fly in all directions - but home... All is still; quiet with the sound of silence.

The sky is now painted with orange, bright pink and purple... the warmth turns to cold - all falls to a stand still of question.

Its dark... the moon appears with a smile and lights up the land bellow; stars are bright with understanding, beneath it all lie a couple in love, they stare in to the sky with no meaning or understanding of love; the grass long and reaching to the heavens; sway in the breeze. Her eyes bright blue weird in colour, her smile penetrates his heart; his love warms him on a cool night.

On a chair in the middle of Nowhere sits the man who contemplates life, he lectures omniscient of the lessons to be learnt in life - but never speaks. Another man lies in his bed and sees all the lies and polytheism around the world - his eyes are stitched closed.

In the mind its quiet, outside its quiet, every thing is quiet... the breeze the only thing keeping things going. The sun has almost risen from its death revealing the colours of the morning, the light shines through a house and casts a long shadow over the grass to her feet... she stares at the sky as the morning colours vanish over the clear blue sea of insanity... in the center of her life - black she sees the name. Clouds roll over the blue sky, thunder rumbles, lightning lights up the sky, chaos in silence... People run for cover under the clouds, the rain falls harder with every step taken; the ground dry and unsettled. People stop, they all hear the sound... its quiet - its in their minds, voices scream out in silence!

All is still she stands and stares at all that's left - there he stands tall and unwanted by the Devil Club out of reach with a finger on his lips.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It will be okay.

Let the morning dew fall on your face to let you know your alive.

Let the people pass you by to let you know time will never die.

Let the tears roll down your face to let you know of the pain you once could taste.

Isn't it strange how a memory can make you smile,
and at the same time haunt your mind?

Don't worry; we all here to let you know all will be okay,
so lift your head to the sky and let the sunlight fill your eyes...

Now as the sunlight dies - know its okay to slide into that Bright Night,
let your fears fade away - it will be okay.

So close your eyes... sleep forever and a day
it will all be okay.

In loving memory

Clinton Simpson

June Friedman

Irene Friedman

Norman "Pop's" Friedman

Regina Bicker

Gert Bicker

Love you all

Written by:

Jason Paul Friedman

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


About a year ago or even longer, I wanted to start a blog but I had this fear of people judging me for the way I write. I hate structure, I believe structure is like any other law out there - oppresses freedom, yes some law must be followed but why in writing? I write what I feel works for me and not for anyone else, I might rhyme for a bit and then there is no trace of a word that rhymes

In school I was always judged heavily by the hand of my markers, until I found an awesome English teacher who loved the weird way I wrote, he encouraged me to keep a book and to this day I have some books and paper all with the most awesome unstructured pieces (Well to me they are). I then left school and my writing came to a halt for a bit because of rugby and having to study... biggest waste of my life, that's what happens when you don't follow with your heart, I wanted to act, do photography, play in a band enjoy the things that make me happy - but I was good at rugby but my body was far from ready to take the impact of guys twice the size of me, so that was that.

I have now finally moved on with the things I want to do, I now have the blog even though it took me forever to get it up here, but now I really don't care what people think of my writing, its weird and sometimes just does not make sense, but trust me there is a reason for that piece and will make sense to those who are open minded...

Well this was just a bit of how I got into my blog and my style hope it gives some insight.

Jason Paul Friedman

Eskom get's nailed at its own game

So last night watching the news I had a major good laugh at how Eskom's big plan to make money has now set them back millions, that's what happens when greed gets the better of you.

Eskom has installed pre-paid electricity systems into the underprivileged area's here in South Africa... and well in a classic modern day tale of Robin Hood, the "criminals" (I beg to differ) have stolen the devices and have sold the pre-paid electricity at a cheaper rate than the exorbitant fee's of Eskom.

So I ask the rhetorical question: Who are the real criminals?

Eskom has now said that they will take hard action on those who try defy the system... but truly they are defying the system with rates that even the rich complain about.

Yes this is the great Sunny South Africa, learn to love it or just plain hate it...


Take me where the sun shines and dines with the Inventor - tell me its Forever.
Hold me in your arms tonight, let me see your smile, look me in the eyes - tell me its Forever.
Let me love you without the pain, grief and unwanted leaf - tell me its Forever.

Who's there? Who cares? We all here to die in the land of never; where the sun is hidden by a shadow of Fear - here comes tear... because i know there's no forever.

Written by Jason Paul Friedman
sometime in 2007